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Life Reset: Hobnobbing (New Era Online Book 3)
Life Reset: Hobnobbing (New Era Online Book 3) Read online
– NEO Book Three –
Life Reset: Hobnobbing
A self-published book by Shemer Kuznits
Copyright © 2018
All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof
may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever
without the express written permission of the publisher
except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.
I’d like to thank my amazing wife for her continued support of my writing career and my two children who provide constant inspiration.
I’d also like to thank the beta readers and proofreaders who helped make this book better: Ian, Tim, JD, Florian, Chris, Jeremy, Jason, Ben, and Liam.
Additionally, I’d like to thank my close friends Gaddy Weissman, who has supported me throughout the writing process and is responsible in large part for the book’s quality, Nadav M, for his many helpful suggestions, as well as my good friends Sergey and Hanan.
A special thanks to all my patrons over at Patreon. Your continued support and encouragement has helped me to push on through the hurdles.
–Shemer Kuznits
Map of Goblin’s Gorge:
1 – Akzar
2 – Admittance
3 – Exploration
4 – Shopping
5 – Bar Fight
6 – Clone Wars
Interlude: The Mob Squad
7 – The Pit
8 – Dungeoneering
9 – Baptized By Darkness
10 – Making Contacts
11 – Reclaiming
12 – Resource Gathering
13 – Championship
14 – Champion Fight
Interlude: The Mud Squad
15 – Afterparty
16 – Golemaking
17 – Goodwill
18 – Goblin’s Gorge
19 – Colossus
20 – Homegoing
21 – Questionable Dealings
Interlude: The Mob Squad
22 – Breaking and Entering
23 – Supersize
24 – Escape
25 – Back to Base
26 – Mobilizing
27 – Different Perspectives
Interlude: Tom
28 – Payback
29 – Revolution
30 – Epilogue
Map of Goblin’s Gorge:
1 – Akzar
We crested the final peak and took in the view before us.
A vast plateau lay beyond the mountain ridge, reaching to the horizon. Thin groves of trees dotted the otherwise barren and rocky land.
Right in the middle of that vast space was a large city that was shaped as a perfect circle. Even from this distance, I could see it was highly structured. Broad avenues spread radially from the circle’s center, and streets lay in evenly spaced rings. It looked almost as if it had been sculpted.
“This is Akzar, Dread Totem,” said Bob, the hobgoblin lieutenant, with a touch of pride in his voice.
Looking at the large city, I couldn’t help but feel overwhelmed. “I thought your previous settlement was just a village. This is a grand city.”
Bob chuckled. “This is just a frontier military outpost. It was established barely a decade ago and has a relatively small population of around 20,000.”
“That’s small?”
He nodded. “Akzar’s army is sufficiently large to maintain security within and around the city. There is a sizable civilian presence providing support as well; traders, craftsmen, etc.”
“Hopefully they’ll be able to supply us with the Viridium we require,” I noted. That was, after all, our main reason for coming here; to gain access to the city’s store of the precious metal.
“A city this size normally has sufficiently advanced smiths and shamans to produce the metal, but that is not the problem.”
Yulli huffed, “Problem? I’ll turn anyone who tries to stop us into a pincushion for my arrows.”
The female hobgoblin scout, now a tier 1 boss, had a fiery personality, to say the least. She was proud, quick to anger, and not above making her point with the tip of her sharpened arrows – as many of her trainees had learned on their own flesh.
Bob shook his head. “You were just a grunt at the time, so you are not aware of the intricacies of our society. Military hierarchy determines everything. My rank as a lieutenant should let us into the outer ring, but it won’t be enough to see us through to the inner one, let alone the upper ring. However, I might be mistaken. It’s been a while since I’ve been here; things might have changed. We should proceed carefully.”
“What are you talking about?” Yulli demanded. “What ring?”
“Look carefully.” He pointed at the city. “See the wall that circles the city? That’s just the outer wall. It surrounds the outer ring. It houses the majority of the city’s population; mostly simple soldiers and the lower-ranked civilians. We should have no problem going there. If you look closely, you’ll see another circular wall inside, bordering a smaller area. That’s the inner ring, where the high-standing civilians live. It will prove more difficult to gain access. Soldiers are barred from entry. Only those with a high enough rank may enter, or those invited by the residents. We’ll need to find someone to sponsor our entry. I have a contact there who should be able to help us. Once we make it in, we should be able to find what we need.”
“What about the upper ring?” I asked.
“There is no way we will be admitted there. Only the high-ranking officers, the shamans, and the influential civilians are allowed in. But I believe we won’t need to get there. The inner ring should provide all our needs, I hope.”
You have received a new quest: Akzar Access I
Gain access to Akzar’s inner ring.
Quest Type: Simple, chain
Reward: 1,000 XP
I didn’t share my lieutenant’s confidence. My experience as a gamer told me I would probably have to gain access to the upper ring as well.
“Well then.” I put my demon staff in my inventory. It wouldn’t do to carry it around in a city where goblins are viewed as fodder. “Let’s get going.”
We had left Goblin’s Gorge yesterday. Using Shadow Teleport, I transported myself and my two companions to the farthest reach of Nihilator’s influence, beyond Raider’s Camp, covering half the distance to Akzar in seconds.
From there, we marched on foot, passing through a forest and climbing the mountain range dividing our territories.
It took us several hours to cross the plains surrounding Akzar, and we reached the city’s outer gates at high noon. The hobgoblin guards eyed us all suspiciously.
Remember, I’m your slave. Yulli, let Bob do the talking. I communicated telepathically using the magical ‘Earing of the Warlord’ I’d taken from Barska.
“Halt!” commanded one of the guards, and the two behind him crossed their spears. I could sense the presence of more guards inside the walls. They were alert and ready for a fight.
“I am Borbarabsus, returning from one of our remote war camps,” Bob said calmly. “I have brought a goblin prisoner and an elite warrior as an escort.
The guard’s eyes narrowed. “Rank?”
“I’m a lieutenant.”
“Hmm …” The guard had so much hair on his face it almost looked like fur. His eyes lingered on me and he frowned. “That is a goblin chief. You expect me to believe it is your slave? And why have you let him keep such an expensive-looking cloak?”
I thought he’d say something about my enchanted Pyrolith Gambeson, but I wasn’t going to raise the issue. Instead, I covertly analyzed the talkative guard.
ShinGimel, Hobgoblin Corporal
Level: 20
HP: 204, MP: 100
Background: Trained as a warrior since birth, ShinGimel was assigned to a raiding party against a warring clan and won, though at a heavy cost. As one of the few survivors, he was assigned the prestigious duty of a gate corporal upon his return to Akzar.
For a mere hob, level 20 was impressive. I analyzed the other guards. They were all identical level 10 warriors with exactly 100 hit points each.
Bob moved a hand to his sword hilt. “You question my right of passage? Move aside or I’ll remove your head.”
The guard seemed unfazed and raised his hand. A dozen arrow points appeared out of the arrowslits in the wall behind him.
Bob was a level 21 lieutenant, and definitely stronger than the guard, but I didn’t want to risk him becoming a pincushion. While I debated my options under the guise of a ‘slave,’ Yulli acted.
The level 24 boss moved swiftly. She reached ShinGimel and grabbed the front of his leather armor, turning him so his body shielded her from the pointing arrows. With another fluid motion, she drew a dagger from her belt and held it under his bare neck. “I am Yulli, an elite scout, slayer of travelers and trainer of warriors,” she said. “You will let us enter if you value your life.”
The hob’s eyes flickered. “I … I can’t let you in with a goblin chief without proper authorization.”
“Here is my authorization.” Yulli pressed on her blade slightly, drawing a thin line on his neck.
“Enough, enough! I see now you are truly one of the elites, esteemed Yulli. You may enter.”
GreenPiece: +50 reputation with Akzar and all its factions
Current rank: Unfriendly
Points to next rank: 950
It seemed Bob was correct about hobgoblin culture putting a high value on strength and that our actions as a group reflected back on our clan.
Yulli lowered her dagger and patted the flustered guard’s cheek. “That’s a good boy.”
ShinGimel’s nose twitched, but he held his tongue.
Bob marched through the gate and Yulli and I followed.
A wide road led from the gate’s entrance for a hundred meters, ending in another walled gate. Narrower ring roads branched off the main boulevard. The buildings closest to us were small, but I could see bigger ones deeper in the city. I spotted a large, three-story barracks at the end of the road and what looked like another in the distance.
Hobgoblin soldiers patrolled the orderly streets, marching in perfect unison. There were other races walking around as well. I spotted several bugbears, orcs, and even a few Ogres. Chained goblins were sweeping the streets, and a couple of them were repainting the side of a house. A stern-looking hob holding a whip was keeping watch on them.
What now? I broadcast my thought.
Bob looked at me. “I suppose we can try the gate to the inner ring.” He didn’t sound very convinced.
I nodded. Vic, you should probably switch into something a little more inconspicuous.
His cloak-like body started to change, becoming shorter and reforming as a circle around my neck.
Did you just transform into a slave’s collar?
I fought back an impulse to reach up and tear the collar from my neck. Vic was right, we would likely encounter fewer problems if I was wearing a sign of slavery. I just hoped the fact that it was purple wouldn’t raise any eyebrows.
“Ahem.” Bob seemed uncomfortable. “I’m afraid your armor also looks out of place. Slaves don’t usually wear armor.”
I looked down at myself. The Pyrolith-scaled leather armor I wore was enchanted and of obvious high quality.
Yes Vic, very shrewd of you.
I removed my armor and put it in my inventory. I felt exposed without it, but my companions were right. I would stand out more if I wore it.
We made our way down the main boulevard toward the inner ring’s gate. About halfway through, the road branched off left and right into a wide street that seemed to circle the city. Following the branching streets with my eyes, I could see they ended in two inner walls bordering about a third of the circle-shaped ring.
“Those are the entrances to the other two districts,” Bob explained. “The outer ring is divided into three districts, each one ruled by a different commander. This allows for better management and quicker deployment of our forces.”
“Efficient,” I remarked.
“Indeed, Dread Totem.”
We reached the gate leading to the inner ring. Through the opening, I could see more buildings. These were reminiscent of a ‘normal’ city; shops, inns, two-story residences, and the like.
“Hold!” Another guard moved to block our way and motioned for us to stop. “I do not know you. Do you have permission to enter?”
I analyzed him as well.
D’kin, Hobgoblin Sergeant
Level: 40
HP: 412, MP: 200
Background: Trained as a warrior in the army since birth, D’kin was later assigned to a raiding party against a warring clan. The raid was a success, and his chief rewarded him with the prominent position of an inner gate sergeant.
That’s probably a big thing in hob society, I said. Why do you even care?
What are you talking about?
Wait, you mean to tell me all those people and their backgrounds, the local customs …
“Thanks for that,” I said dryly. I didn’t particularly appreciate the thought that I was the one behind the hobgoblin raids into our forest and their attempts to annihilate my clan.
I’d accidentally spoken out loud, drawing the attention of the gate guard.
“You have a high-ranking goblin as a slave.” He narrowed his eyes, though his voice was dispassionate. “You must be of high rank, but you will need an appropriate permit or a patron to get into the inner ring.”
Yulli eyed D’kin, but this time she seemed to decide force was not the answer.
Bob had apparently been thinking the same thing. His voice assumed a respectful tone. “I have an acquaintance inside, goes by the name Duladeen.”
The guard shook his head. “I know the name, but anyone can claim acquaintance. I will need to see proof that Duladeen vouches for you to let you in. I assume you don’t have any?”
Bob shook his head.
“Alternatively,” D’kin continued, “you can try getting a recommendation from one of the three district commanders of the outer ring. I heard they are all lo
oking for capable warriors to assist them. Your best chance is with one of them.”
I groaned inwardly. More stupid quests. These sorts of quests would be very helpful for low-level players who wanted to adopt Akzar as their starting city, grow powerful within, and gain influence with its leaders. But I was not interested in backstory-development quests. I was here for one reason only: establishing a trade agreement between my clan and Akzar in order to gain access to their Viridium stores. Then I would be able to enchant an army of high-level golems and crush my old guild.
I had no doubt Vatras had already put into motion his next plan of attack – after he respawned, of course. I had the advantage of time over him, but he had an experienced force. I needed to move quickly and had no time for pesky side missions.
I analyzed the four hobgoblin guards behind D’kin. More unnamed clones, all level 20. My Dark Mana skill was at level 52. I could use it to influence two of them at once.
So that’s what I did.
While Bob continued talking to the sergeant, I reached out to two of the guards behind him and infected their brains with my mana. The two guards swayed unsteadily as I took over their minds. Then they leveled their spears and thrust forward.
D’kin blinked and looked down at the two spearheads protruding from his chest.
The two had scored critical stealthy hits, draining over a hundred HP, but D’kin was level 40 and not one to be trifled with. With their weapons still embedded in his torso, he drew a machete, whirled around, and attacked my two dominated minions. The other guards just stood there, watching the fight impassively.
I could feel Vic’s sneer as he uttered,
Let’s go! I urged, leading my bewildered companions through the gate, where we found ourselves inside the inner ring.
The clashing guards were too intent on their fight to try to stop us, but they did notice our actions.